Pastors Training & help in India!


 IGMI pastors in India!Our North Arcard Pr Fellowship in India!

Many hundreds of pastors who never have any Christian help in India though they have a good ministry. Many of the Christian organisation 90% in India don’t want to help them unless they are willing to give up their own properties to that particular organisation ( like organisation without giving money to the pastor he and his people should sale his property to that Christian organisation in documents vise  then only they will support them or build them a church).

when they are in troubles they (organisation)won’t show up their faces to them and say excuses to them for their absence. But IGMI is appointed for a trouble meet team to the pastors who needed to be supported legally ,spiritually and emotionally when they are facing troubles.

I can give you countless pastor history who are not even having one time food a day on regular basis in India. But still they got beaten up and not volunteer fasting because of no food or money to get a rice. Still they are standing for the Lord among Hindu villages for our Lord’s Gospel to be preached wherever the Gospel is not yet preached.

We can simply getting minimum 300 to 500 pastors in one place for giving them a training and encouragements in India but we need more helping hands and prayers.

Each of our pastors they will be running churches among remote villages minimum 3 to 5 branch churches among Hindu strong villages. We need tracts and Bibles of any large Quantity, Video projectors, speakers ,Bikes for the pastors and Bible school for the New young people who are willing to serve the Lord among our churches.

All it takes lots of investments so we need your prayers and commitments towards this ministry of Immovable Grace.

We often encourage our pastors to go in the villages by giving ministry tools like Torch Lights, Blankets , Rice,Mattress,New Testaments and monthly support of 40$. We can’t help all of them But if the Lord speaks to you we are really welcoming you to support our pastors. Your !00% goes to one of our pastors and you will be getting their profiles to pray for them and you can write to them through IGMI because many of them they only speaks native languages!

Our Madurai Pastors fellowship!

In India many of the villages are still never heard about the Name of Jesus . Our pastors are reaching out villages faithfully every single day by walk with out any pay , with compulsory fasting among many opposition by beaten up, stoned , many of our pastors been died for the Gospel still our pastors wife’s are taking their husband role to preaching the Gospel.

Children are not fed up with one time a food they eat at Government school but only Jesus and we know them what they are going through. So we need your prayers and help. Just making little sacrifice of 40$ month will give them enough food so that they can go for the Lord.

If you are interested to come and see their work you can be a part of their ministry it will be helping them much to go for the Lord. Each of our pastors are reaching minimum more than 25 to 30 villages. They run minimum 3 churches. So we train our pastors who are 300 of the in 3 different Districts.

We will be very happy to give you our pastors each of their story for you to know them better and involve in their ministry. I am sure once you getting to know them you will never be the same again. Our Krishna Giri Pastors fellowship!

You will be fire for the Lord. Every single day many pastors and leaders are raising up to preach the gospel through our hard work of preaching the Gospel with the help of our Lord Holy Ghost. We need people from anywhere to take this ministry as your own and join with us to bring Kingdom development on earth before the day of the Lord.Normally our pastors meetings starts from morning 9 am to 5 pm in the middle of the week days gathering together for their fellowship and sharing prayer request. Then pastor Richard Joseph would bring God’s message for them to be encouraged. Most of our Pastors are never having a good food in their house because of the ministry they walked many miles in to the remote villages so we give them food and travel fare and ministry usable materials like Gospel tracts , Bibles and booklets at the end of our every meetings.

My wife (Julie) is serving the food for IGMI pastors in India! She was reaching out the widow ladies, poor children, pastors and all kinds of people in India.

Do you want to help a pastor for getting his monthly rice?

Just 30$ a month or each day 1$ will be giving enough rice for his entire family.

Through your small help for this Pastors God can change many people lives and bless these pastors and they will pray for you daily in their prayers. You will be surely blessed.

Our pastor has 4 children his church people all our saying to pastor Richard we could not able to help our pastor. we don’t have enough income though we help him with offering of vegetables many times his children are in hungry we are very sad to see them. we really thank you for helping our pastors. As a church we pray for his regular rice help.

Think about God’s servant where they are there is our Lord also. Jesus said where my servant is there I will be .

You may be thinking to do something for the Lord but here is a good opportunity for you to get started doing it.

My wonderful brother Pastor Charles was beaten up for the Gospel he lives in a poor hut. I saw he had many obstacles of not having any kinds of facilities like electricity,no food for one time regular food . They were preaching the gospel among 25 villages and more than 20000 people have got saved through their faithful ministry. We also have our pastors fellowship in his church more than 150 of them in North Districts.

 Pastor Richard have a special burden for the Native pastors family to be having enough food for their family. Otherwise they can not go into many miles for the Lord even though they have a zeal for the Lord.  Pastor Richard personally known more than 2000 pastors in whole over India. He conduct a pastors seminar more often and those pastors are encouraged very much by the Immovable Grace fellowship in India.  He personally visit them and know their work of their field and sometime stay with them and observe what is their most struggles and provide them that help for their amazement. Many pastors are calling them as Ayya that mean in Tamil Language (Appa-Dad) .  Many pastors are real Israelites because they are like a unknown people to this community  

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