IMMOVABLE GRACE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL (IGMI) is prompting ministry in India to preach the Gospel where there is no single Christians or churches . We are faithful ministry that our Lord has moved through us mightily for many years by faith.
We are having these vision to help fulfill the call of God on each individuals men and women to serve the Lord wherever they are by having one of our training. We see many people lives are been transformed through friendship ,personal evangelism and follow up ministry to build the people to grow in the Lord by having these institutions.
BIBLE COLLEGE: we have 300 pastors in our pastors fellowship those pastors are really praying for their people to be get trained in the word of God. We have a vision to not only teach them but also train them to plant their own churches wherever God call them to go. We need a building cost of 30000$. We pray for the visionaries who has a burden to start a bible college and train hundreds of young men and women in India.
PLANTING CHURCHES: Planting churches are like planting tree in one place it will be drawing people into it. Like in India when you see the History of Indian Christianity many missionaries build a church. Because then only people can come there and grew in the word of God on regular basis. We plant a church in a year like 10 places each 10 places you can see within a year minimum 20 people would be getting Baptism that mean 200 people are becoming a strong Christians and 10 pastors are getting a place of shelter. One church building cost 8000$. We need 20 of our pastors who are currently running under the rented places. Many times Hindu owners will not give a house for the Christians for running a church . Our tribal areas people are worshiping under the trees and streets . Many times when there is a rain or sun hot it is hard for them to be under it .
ORPHANAGES : We do ministry mainly among children. Approximately we preach among thousands of children on each month by including all our pastors like 300 of them will be more than 600000 children on regular basis. I am not just speaking because myself alone reaching 2000 children in 35 villages. We found many hundreds of orphan children where we could not able to meet their needs. But if a single christian who could sacrifice their monthly 30$ then we can able to take care of one children. We currently have found out 20 orphans in the villages. We are praying for the dedicated people who can able to help us to taken care of those orphans in India.
CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: Many of our christian young people could not able to minister to their young students by sharing the Gospel. But by having a Christian atmosphere we could preach the Gospel to the young people to live for the Lord and sharing the Gospel on regular basis. We believe God will raise more young generation to be a pastors and missionaries. Even when they go the secular field they can be a life changers of the world. For us to start our Christian school costs 40000$.
TAILORING SCHOOLS FOR POOR WIDOWS: We are really reaching many of the mothers and widows through our tailoring school. In India women has nothing to do after they do their chores in their house. So we invite them by our free tailoring school and give them a gospel there many widows and mothers not only they learning tailoring but give their life to Jesus . Then when they go to their houses they give the gospel to their children as well . We have many tremendous stories through our free tailoring school . We need monthly 120$ for 2 staffs salary.
COMPUTER SCHOOL FOR POOR YOUNG PEOPLE: Many poor young men and women like to learn computer so that they could able to get a job in any secular field. We need 6 computers and 2 staffs salary 200$.
MEDICAL CENTER : Our main focus of our medical center is to take cake of the leprosy patients but in India by construction leprosy colony alone is a risky thing to do. Because of the stigma but we can take care of them by ruining a medical center so any poor people can come and get free medicine as well as they can heard the gospel. We are praying for it since 1998 because we go to the different leprosy colonies and hospitals we see other leprosy would dressing their neighbor leprosy patient . We need a doctor’s salary like 500$ and 500$ medicine cost to run our free medical center.
Immovable Grace is a Ministry that like to have a fellowship of the churches or organisations who wanted to run these visions as their projects for the purpose of soul winning and preaching the Gospel to the one who don’t know about Jesus in India.
IGMI is praying for a van to send more Gospel team members in to the remote villages where there is no transportation facilities in to the jungles. The van will be costing 14600$.