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Children’s VBS

Children’s VBS:  Yesuvai Nokki/Looking Unto Jesus.

This spring pastor Richard decided to expand its children’s ministry
to include a ten-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the children of the Immovable Grace church and many of the surrounding villages. In the first two weeks of May, when the children have a break from their normal studies, Pastor Richard and the Gospel team shared the message of “Looking Unto Jesus” to 250 children between the ages of 9 and 14 (4th through 8th grade) who made the commitment to complete the VBS Junior course. Many of the younger children and their parents also listened in on the lessons. These children, most from Hindu families, were taught from workbooks that included lessons on What Jesus Likes, Fellowship, The Good Shepherd, Obedience, Pleasing Jesus Through Our Speech, Using the Talents that Jesus Gives Us, The Primary Person In Our Lives, Through Jesus All Things Are Possible, Helping One Another, and Being A Testimony for the Lord, among other topics. The VBS teachers traveled to each village in teams of two to hold classes each day, completing 20 lessons and teaching memory
verses and new songs. One team was forced to move their VBS class from inside the village to the nearby farmers’ market location because of interference from one child’s Hindu father. In spite of this disturbance, the child whose father expects him to be the village’s Hindu priest when he grows up continued to attend the VBS classes and was at the top of his village in his lessons. On the last day of VBS, we brought the children to the Immovable Grace church where the teachers held a VBS Looking Unto Jesus Celebration. The children watched a video of the story of Jesus and then after singing the VBS songs they had learned, each child was given their completed VBS books, attendance projects and a certificate of completion of the Junior course. Those students who had good attendance and did well on their lessons and memory verses also received a gift pack that included a New Testament Bible and a Gospel tract, as well as a toy and other items. At the end of the celebration, Pastor Richard asked the children what they learned from the VBS. They all said that they learned more about Jesus and about how He wants us to behave. One boy said, “I
 was not serious about Jesus but through the 
VBS I learned more about Jesus and how to worship Him. I am looking forward to learning even more in the future.” 
Another child said as tears fell from her eyes, “I used to be a bad girl. I called my mother’s names and did not listen to her. Through this VBS, I learned that it was important for me to obey my mother and not call her names.” After the ceremony, the children were given cookies and cold drinks before they were taken back to their villages. Even as they were leaving the children began asking when the next VBS would be. We believe that it is very important to minister to these children on a regular basis. Pastor Richard is planning to begin a weekly Kids’ Club so that these children will learn more about Jesus and how important He is to their lives, learn more about living in a way that is pleasing to the Lord and learn how to worship the Lord, pray, read the Bible and share Jesus with others. Then they will be able to share Jesus with their families:

 “And a little child shall lead them.” Isaiah 11:6. You can make a difference
in each of these children’s lives with your love and support by sowing into our ministry.