Category Archives: Evangelism Outreach

Mission report !

My dearest friends I praise the Lord for your prayers and help because of you I could able to go  to India and did a great ministry among 500 pastors,3000 poor kids in the villages through VBS, planting a new church, reached leprosy,blinds,Tribal villages,widows and running a free tailoring schools for poor widows,and helping poor by distributing rice help.

God had given Immovable Grace to plant a new church planting and construction please pray for this poor believers to be stand for Jesus until their whole life time.

our village church in India is growing in everyday by preaching the Gospel to the unreached Hindu villages in India. Please pray for those who are in hungry and starving for s food a day !

Immovable Grace planted this church in Madurai we are having every sunday’s evening many people life has been changed by the word of God. We need your prayers for our helping native missionaries in India who are looking after my churches in India . 

We have a leprosy man who need your prayers and help. Please pray for him his name is perumal . He is not having any son or daughter to take care of him . But he is faithfully coming t our church by walk more than 4 years . He needs a shoe and rice help.

Pastor Richard with the leprosy victim

Immovable Grace pastors with floor mat for them because many of our native pastors are sleeping on floor without any luxurious mattress which they never seen it . They were praising God for this mattress help. Many of their children are not even go to school because many of our pastors are very poor . Please pray for our missionary kids. If the Lord speaks to you then please start helping them. In that way you can help our missionaries. 


I was able to share the Gospel to the poor widow lady. She gave her heart for Jesus because of your fervent prayers and love support.

Immovable Grace is preaching the Gospel by giving help to the the poor children and helping widows in India . God is still alive in India.

Immovable Grace found 30 orphan children in the villages and we need your prayers and help for them . Please sign up to help our orphans and native missionaries in India through Immovable Grace.