All posts by richardjoseph

My grandparents were Hindu people. My father became Roman Catholic, and in 1981, he was saved when the doctors from his tuberculosis forsook him. God healed him. Then, he started sharing about the love of Jesus. When I was 5 years old, I began to grow in God’s word and share the Gospel with the Hindu villages from age 10. Then God gave me His heart for the people dying without Jesus. So, I started preaching and planting churches. I am mentoring 300 Missionaries, Leprosy Victims, People of the Blind, Widows, and orphans under Immovable Grace Ministries Intl(IGMI).

Martyrs for Jesus in India!

I will live and die for Jesus !
We have one of our pastors who preach the Gospel among remote Hindu villages without any food a day. He and his wife were beaten up and the gang was chased them and beaten up our pastor’s head on that spot he died. His wife was injured and we were able to help her.
But she told me “I and the rest of my 3 children are ready to walk the way how my husband walked for Jesus.”
Right now she is doing ministry for the Lord. She told me I thought we are all alone only Jesus knows us but now we know we have people who are in His kingdom to watch over us and stand with us.
She needs 40 $ to feed her 3 children and serve the Lord faithfully.
They have changed many of the people lives in remote Hindu villages they need your prayers and love support.
If you think about sacrificing your coffee could help meet this lady and her whole family can be fed with rice for a month in India!

Our pastor and his wife were beaten by the extremists!


Our pastor though he died for the Gospel His people are zeal for the Lord!
This is our IMMOVABLE GRACE pastor’s church who martyred for Gospel!

Immovable Grace Help! Now our Pastor’s Lady Mrs.Martin is taking the same path for the Lord where her husband died for the Lord.


The rev. Gideon Periyaswamy was 43 and led the Maknayeem church. It was converted 25 years ago by Hinduism. In the past, he had been harassed and humiliated. The Hindus “were not happy with the increase of the Christian faithful”.

Our  Christian pastor was found dead hanged on the roof of his home in a village in Tamil Nadu. The Rev. Gideon Periyaswamy was 43 and led the church of Maknayeem, in the village of Adayachery. His death is shrouded in mystery, and the fact that just a week ago he had lodged a complaint against extremist Hindu groups was aroused. Some faithful already speak of murder and the attempt to disguise murder with suicide.

The pastor was found hanging on a rope on January 20th, 2018 At about 5 am, the body was revived by Indira and Regina, two Christians from the community who came to the church to clean the structure. The women reported that the body of the Rev. Periyaswamy hung abnormally from the ceiling, knees bent to the floor. In addition, when the police broke the knot around the neck, a cut was found under the throat, with a noticeable blood clot.

Local witnesses argue that death is due to the disagreements with local extremists, who humiliated and harassed him for years. “But he – remembers a believer – told us that we had to live in peace with our neighbors and not create grounds for disagreement”.

The pastor had converted 25 years ago from Hinduism and from 12 led the Adayachery church. The Rev. Reuben, a friend of the deceased, reports that “the local Hindus were not happy with the increase of the Christian faithful”. Despite the death threats, the pastor repeated: “I have no problems. If the Lord grants it to me, I will die a martyr for Christ, but his ministry will not end. “

Pastor Richard .J is in one of Our branch church in IGMI India!

Our Pastor David Anbu is running our other branch church in India IGMI!
This is our other Branch church where Pastor S. Joseph preaching the Gospel in IGMI.
Our new beginning this was my third church we (pastor Richard and team  )planted in India!

We have more than 300 pastors in our IGMI. We need more prayers because we have lots of needs that we only could looking unto Jesus.

We need your prayers and help. We need your regular support for our 250 pastors $40 a month. Your small drop of support will meet all of our pastors’ needs.

You can help support one missionary with a monthly donation of $40. When you become a sponsor, your missionary’s picture and testimony will be sent to you promptly.