All posts by richardjoseph

My grandparents were Hindu people. My father became Roman Catholic, and in 1981, he was saved when the doctors from his tuberculosis forsook him. God healed him. Then, he started sharing about the love of Jesus. When I was 5 years old, I began to grow in God’s word and share the Gospel with the Hindu villages from age 10. Then God gave me His heart for the people dying without Jesus. So, I started preaching and planting churches. I am mentoring 300 Missionaries, Leprosy Victims, People of the Blind, Widows, and orphans under Immovable Grace Ministries Intl(IGMI).

Discipleship School &Free tuition given to poorest of the poor Dalits in India!

Discipleship School by Pastor Richard Joseph.

Immovable Grace Discipleship school in India is to teach the new young people to stand for the Lord in their faith as well as they follow Christ.

IGMI is giving Discipleship training to many hundreds of young people. Those young people many of them are becoming native missionaries in many parts of India.

Many times our discipleship school will be held on a street and outside of the villages or buildings where no one wanted to live.

IGMI has a new strategy to plant church buildings where there is no single Christian or church and reaches the people through Free tailoring school, tuition for poor children, church services on Sundays, Bible studies on every day and One pastor can live as their family shelter.

Many of the time’s church planting failed in India as I have been seeing more than 20 years of my ministry experiences because of the church would be run under the Hindu landlord. When those people who don’t like our worship services held in their rented building or others who are opposite groups of the Gospel can threaten the house owner then the ministry could be easily removed from that village though the pastor and people are really wanted to grow in the Lord.



Discipleship Teachings by IGMI.