
I, Preaching the Gospel in the remote villages where the name of Jesus has never been heard and Planting churches.
II, To Help Training our native pastors, missionaries, young men and women who are called to preach the Gospel for planting new churches and doing evangelism where there is no single Christians in the remote villages. We have a burden to Planting Christian schools for missionary children and poor children education.

Helping poor widows, pastors, orphans, blinds, Leprosy and deaf.

A, Widows – build and running a Tailoring and Computer school for their life living and giving them a Gospel. Also helping them with hut helps.

B, Pastors– Helping pastors for providing their basic needs of such as food and rent, running a Bible school for giving a training for as many young men and women in God’s ministry to help them in their persecution.

C, Orphans-Build an orphanage and taking care of them who are orphans and poorest of the poor Dalit’s children those are never been loved by anyone.

D, Leprosy-reaching out the lepers who are forgotten and consider untouchables by their own family. We want to give them a medical help and Gospel of Christ with love of Jesus.

E. Blinds, Deaf and Mute– We are preaching the Gospel to the one who is not able to see, hear and speak. We have a church among them and help them with rice, cloth and helpful materials for them to grow in the Lord.

F. Free tuition for poor Dalits kids and give them a Gospel through our free spoken English classes.

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