Immovable Grace Ministries
Immovable Grace Ministries is an Independent Christian Ministry organization. It is Founded by Pastor Richard and Julie after 20 years of church planting. IGMI is called to Preach the Gospel in remote villages of India where the name of Jesus has never been heard. We are working to start new Churches and Bible studies to equip new believers in the word of God.
We have been blessed to train Men and Women of God who have been called upon to preach the Gospel. We have had the awesome opportunity to minister to Leper Colonies and Orphanages. We also teach skills such as tailoring for widows to earn a living. Our Children's Ministry is such a blessing!! It is so AWESOME to see God work in the lives of every one of them. Please Pray that the Lord continues to use us to be a blessing to the people of India.
Pastor Richard printing scripture Billboards to paste it on the street walls and trees so the pass bye people could able to read and touched by God's word. He had been interacted with many people by his scriptures boards and wall posters.
It was our humble beginning still many of the new young people raising for the Lord but when they come to do full-time ministry they need to have a good food and shelter then only they can walk for the Lord more in their life. So please pray for them and help them by adopting at least one missionaries. We will give you their stories and how they are winning lost souls for Christ!
God is using IGMI team to evangelize among more than twenty thousands of villages children who are living among where there is no single church or Christians even in the year 2018.
Village Bible Study!
God is touching many people in Bible Study! Many of them are getting delivered spiritually through the word of God. We train young people to preach the Gospel to their own villages and remote villages by walking many miles for Jesus.
Hundreds of villages were heard the name of Jesus because of Pastor Richard and his team faithfully walking into the villages for preaching the Gospel where there was never any of the preacher or missionaries went to them.
We believe this is end time because there are many people are hearing the gospel who never heard it. People are very hungry and eager to hear God's word but the laborers are few.
Pastor Richard and IGMI teams are preaching the Gospel among villagers among this crowd not even single of them were Christians but now there is a church in this village. Nearly 30 of them got saved his friend who was with him more than 3 years he is reaching this groups there continually.
Open Air preaching on a street. India has a large number of people who don't know what to do and where to go. Pastor Richard taking his gospel team to preach the gospel at streets, villages, market side and hillside villages where ground people won't go to them normally.
Julie is a humble and very dedicated person to pour out her English knowledge skills to help the young teenagers to hear the word of God through her spoken English free classes. She has a heart for the women, especially she is praying to conduct a women conference in India. She is a practical speaker among people and pastors in India. Pastor Richard giving training for the young people how they can defeat the enemy through his discipleship school many of them are orphan children who never felt the love from their father or mother but they were given their life to Jesus by felt our Father's love.
Pastor Richard is encouraging churches in India many parts of the areas people invited him to preach among churches. Many miracles and signs follow through his prayers and even preaching time many demonic possessed people are getting free in Jesus Name.
Pastor Richard is also teaching among leprosy people to reach another leprosy in their colonies. Many of them are calling him even after they go to their colonies how they are using his teachings to win lost souls in bus stands and many of leprosy they even planted churches.
He is conducting a blind service in his church more than 300 Blinds are under the IGMI but due to the lack of space, he conducts 150 of them in one time and another group in the second month.
Pastor Richard is teaching among Blinds people how to live for the Lord and reach another blind with the knowledge of God.
God is touching many people lives in India through IGMI. Please pray and help us to give them a Bible.